Заплановані зміни · aprs.fi – live APRS map · карта

Bugs I'm aware of (should fix in the near future):
· timezones do not work in the weather/info grapher yet
· mobile version of info page does not return search status ("target not found")
· mobile version should have a front page with no map, even if logged in
· should pass settings (shown target classes) to KML generation code and actually apply the settings there

Features being planned (in no specific order):
· add time range config in embedded map
· add telemetry and weather support in the export tool
· replay feature: show events of selected targets in the past in sequential order (selectable speed)
· showing old track data on the map at a given area (instead of selected targets)
· range cirles: enable with a button, click on a station, draw circles every 20km from station
· should have an APRS satellite activity view
· should collect telemetry and maybe some other info for stations not transmitting position packets (partially done)
· drop-down selection: show labels for targets: none / moving / all
· drop-down selection of previous searched and found destinations/locations
· route stats: select two points and show distance, travelled distance through waypoints (if on a path), and speed
· locator / grid square box overlay
· mark sunrise/sunset times on weather graphs
· show nearby wx stations on wx page (and differences in values)
· per-city weather info pages, look up weather stations by nearest town
· automatic refresh of info and weather pages - figure out a sensible refresh interval from the history data
· store messages and beacons for a longer time, enable browsing by date
· list of flying objects (might not be possible in practice)
· list of ships
· if the map div is very small, should produce smaller pop-up windows (for embedded and mobile use)
· a testing sandbox site for testing translations
· DD MM.MM coordinates could have a third decimal of a minute
· more precision to the cursor coordinate display

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